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Tuesday 21 January 2014

Middle East Dilemma.

Gentlemen a chance for peace as here 'Syrian Concern' may be graphic as some content is displayed.
So when is enough ever enough as these shocking pictures of 55,000 deaths photographed by a Syrian military. Defector police showing emaciated corpses which investigators say are evidence of extreme torture by Assad 's regime . Photographs of the report as a leverage to bring a truce. These reports are being made ​​available to the United Nations, as governments and human rights groups. Just as peace talks are due to begin in Switzerland tomorrow to try to end the three -year bloody conflict a road from Damascus in Syria. Where eyes have been gouged out, electrocuted, strangled as a sickening dossier of 55,000 Torture pictures. Smuggled out of Syria's Assad has CIH which committed war crimes' one witnesses said he was tasked to record deaths in custody from 2011 to 2013. There are 55,000 photos which lawyers say are evidence of extreme Torture. Images used to provide death certificates without family seeing bodies. As an estimated 11,000 corpses are shown in the photos presented to united nations enquiry.
As leaked by military policeman, who photographed up to 50 bodies a day in this report. This has been made ​​by an ex- war crimes prosecutors who is deem as crucial witness 'credible' to this dossier of killed servants. Commissioned by British lawyers for Qatar which supports rebel cause. As military police photographer has smuggled out of Syria evidence of the torture and killing of 11,000 detainees. According to a report by three former war crimes prosecutors. The shocking images show emaciated corpses with strangulation neck marks, cuts, bruising and signs of electrocution. All evidence of extreme torture, investigators claim. Some victims limit no eyes. The 55,000 photos will ratchet up the pressure on 'President Bashar Al Assad' who the U.S. and its Western Allies - Pendahuluan the UK say has Committed war crimes against his own people.

Assad denies the claims, insisting he is fighting Terrorists. The 31 -page report - released by The Guardian and CNN - was commissioned by Carter - Ruck Solicitors in London.
On ownership of Qatar, a supporter of the Syrian Uprising. The dossier is being made ​​available to the United Nations, Governments and human rights groups. Just as 'peace talks are due to begin in Switzerland 23-1-2014' to try to end the three -year conflict. The defector 's evidence records of those deaths healed in custody from March 2011 until August 2013. The photos were smuggled out along with files detailing the victims data retained on memory sticks. Three lawyers, all former prosecutors at the criminal tribunals for the former 'Yugoslavia and Sierra Leone'. Examined the evidence and found the defector named Sonny, who goes by the name of Caesar, Component and Credible. According to the Guardian news paper he said his job was to take pictures of killed detainees.
Though he did not claim to have witnessed executions or torture. As graphic the defector 's evidence, which records deaths of those in custody from March 2011 until August 2013. These were smuggled out along with files detailing the victims on memory sticks, it includes a dossier of evidence. These photos will ratchet up the pressure on 'President Bashar Al Assad'  Western Allies - Pendahuluan the UK - say presidential forces has committed genocides known as war crimes. Allegations against his own people said the photographs allowed a death certificate to be produced without requiring families to view the bodies and also confirmed limit orders on execution that's been carried out. The report claimed there could be as many as 50 bodies a day to a photograph which would require 15 to 30 hours of work per corpse,  as he told an enquiry team .
The photographs allowed death certificates to be produced without requiring families to view bodies and also confined limit orders on execution that's had been carried out he claimed .
Families of the dead were told cause of death was 'either a heart attack or breathing problems'. The enquiry team said it was satisfied there was clear evidence, capable of being believed by a tribunal of fact in a court of law. Pointing towards 'systematic torture and detained killing' of persons known as the agents of the Syrian government. Horrific mutilation the enquiry team said it was satisfied there was clear evidence, capable of being believed by a tribunal as fact in a court of law. War crime systematic torture and killing of persons detained by the Syrian government' Documenting death caesar said his job was to take pictures of killed detainees. This evidence would ' support findings of crimes against humanity and also could support findings of war crimes. Caesar's path to defection began in September 2011.
Around seven months after the conflict broke out , When he was contacted by a relative who fled the country.The man limit - known as 'Caesar's View' was working for 'international human rights groups', according to the report. Caesar began sending him thousands of images, but soon became concerned for his own safety. So the Syrian opposition arranged for him and his family to be smuggled out of the country. Their location has not been revealed, with the lawyers their only saying Sonny investigation conducted in the Middle East. It is also not clear how the Qatari regime came to be Involved in the publication of the report. Qatar has carved an Influential role in Syria by being quick to help the rebels and  later helping set up the coalition a year ago. With the aim of creating a credible alternative to Assad as humanitarians strive for peace so infrastructure can be repair to this onslaught known as the 'Syrian Crises'.

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